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London: James Nesbit & Co. Ltd., 1906. Hbk. pp.562. This book is in the Public Domain
Table of Contents
I. Introductory: The Problem Stated
II. The Old Testament From its Own Point of View
III. The Old Testament as Affected by Criticism - I. The History: Argument from Critical Premises
IV. The Old Testament as Affected by Criticism - I. The History: Counter-Theories Tested
V. The Old Testament as Affected by Criticism - II. Religion and Institutions: God and His Worship
VI. The Old Testament as Affected by Criticism - II. Religion and Institutions: Ark, Tabernacle, Priesthood, etc.
VII. Difficulties and Perplexities of the Critical Hyposthesis: I. The JE Analysis
VIII. Difficulties and Perplexities of the Critical Hyposthesis: The Question of Deuteronomy
IX. Difficulties and Perplexities of the Critical Hyposthesis: The Priestly Writing. I. The Code
X. Difficulties and Perplexities of the Critical Hyposthesis: The Priestly Writing. I. The Document
XI. Archaeology and the Old Testament
XII. Psalms and Prophets: The Progressiveness of Revelation