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Book Description

The New Testament Documents. Their Origin and Early History
Publication Year:
MacMillan & Co., Ltd.
New Testament, Textual Criticism
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

George Milligan [1860-1934], The New Testament Documents. Their Origin and Early History

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Lecture 1: The Original Manuscripts of the New Testament
    1. The Rise of Christian Writings
    2. Outward form of the original manuscripts
    3. The manner in which the books of the New Testament were written
    4. Delivery of the New Testament Writings
  • Lecture 2: The Language of New Testament Writings
    1. The linguistic conditions of Palestine
    2. The Character of New Testament Greek
    3. Recent gains to our knowledge of the Greek New Testament
  • Lecture 3: The Litarary Character of the New Testament Writings—The Epistles and the Apocalypse
    1. The Pauline Epistles
    2. The other Epistles of the New Testament
    3. The Apocalypse
  • Lecture 4: The Literary Character of the New Testament Writings—The Gospels and Acts
    1. The Synoptic Gospels
    2. The Fourth Gospel
    3. The Acts of the Apostles
  • Lecture 5: The Circulation of the New Testament Writings
    1. The Circulation of the New Testament Writings in roll-form
    2. Change from the papyrus roll to the papyrus codex
    3. Parchment Codices
  • Lecture 6: The Collection of the New Testament Writings
    1. Influences Leading to the Collection of the New Testament
    2. History of the Collection and Authorization of the New Testament writings
    3. General Remarks
  • Appendix of Additional Notes
    1. Some Books for the Study of the Greek Papyri
    2. The Titles and Subscriptions of the New Testament writings
    3. Dictation and Shorthand
    4. New Testament Texts on Papyrus
    5. Greek Papyrus Letters
    6. Dionysius of Alexandria on the Authorship of the Apocalypse
    7. The Oxyrhynchus 'Sayings of Jesus'
    8. Papias and Irenaeus on the Origin of the Gospels
    9. Alternative Endings of St. Mark's Gospel
    10. The Gospel according to Peter
    11. The Muratorian Fragment on the Canon
    12. The Order of the New Testament Writings
    13. Extracts from Festal Letter XXXIX. of Athanasius, A.D. 367
    14. Recent Literature on the Canon of the New Testament
  • Indexes
    1. Subjects
    2. Authors
    3. References: 1. Biblical; 2. Ancient Texts and Writings
    4. Greek Words