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Book Description
- Title:
- A Critical and Exegetical on the Gospel According to S. Luke, 5th edition.
- Authors:
- Alfred Plummer [1841-1926]
- Publication Year:
- 1896, 1922
- Location:
- Edinburgh
- Publisher:
- T & T Clark
- Pages:
- 592
- Subjects:
- Luke, Commentary, New Testament
- Copyright Holder:
- Public domain
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- The Author
- S. Luke the Evangelist
- The Sources of the Gospel
- Time and Place
- Object and Plan
- Characteristics, Style and Language
- The Integrity of the Gospel
- The Text
- Literary History
- Commentaries
- Commentary
- On the Use of egeneto
- The Degree of Augustus
- The fifteenth Year of Tiberias
- The Genealogy
- Demoniacal Possession
- The Miraculous Draught of Fishes
- The title "Son of Man"
- The word deuteroproto
- The Sermon epi topon pedinou
- Christ's Raising the Dead
- The Journeyings Toward Jerusalem
- The word analemphis
- The Mission of the Seventy
- The Idea of Hades or Sheol in the O.T.
- The Blind Man at Jericho
- The Parable of the Pounds
- The Question about Psalm cx.
- The Apocalypse of Jesus
- Readings in Chapters xxii. and xxiii.
- The Narratives of the Resurrection
- Western Non-Interpolations
- Interpolations in the Sinaitic Syriac
- Index to the Notes
- General
- Writings and Writers
- Greek Words
- English and Latin Words