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London: J.F. Dove, 1825.
These volumes are in the Public Domain

Table of Contents of the 13 Volume set

VOLUME I [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Dedication to the Bishop of London [iii]
Preface to the Octavo Edition [v]
Dr. Bright's Dedication to the Princess Mary [1]
Dr. Bright's Preface to the Reader [5]
Author's Life [43]
Strype's Appendix to 'Author's Life' [63]
Strype's Dedication of Vol. II. to the Bishop of London [127]
Strype's Preface to Vol II. of Folio Edition [130]
Strype's Dedication of' Lightfoot's Genuine Remains to the Bishop of Norwich [143]
Strype's Preface to 'Genuine Remains' [145]
Preface to the Edition by Texelius [198]
Preface to the Edition by Leusden [203]
Strype's Preface to the 3d Vol. of Leusden's Edition [204]
General Index to Lightfoot's Works [209]
Chorographical Table to Lightfoot's Works [274]
Index of Texts illustrated [305]
Appendix to Ditto [319]
General Index of Texts illustrated [321]
Index of Talmudic Words explained by Lightfoot [353]
Index of Greek Words [367]
Battle with a Wasp's Nest [371]
Three Letters from Duckfield to Strype [425]

VOLUME II [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Index to Rules for a Student of the Holy Scriptures [v]
Index to the Harmony and Chronicle of the OldTestament [vii]
Index of Chapters to the Observations upon Genesis [xiv]
Index of Sections to the Gleanings from Exodus [xv]
Rules for a Student of the Holy Scriptures [3]
Epistle Dedicatory to the Earls of Warwick and Manchester [61]
Address to Christ's College [65]
Address to the Reader [69]
Harmony and Chronicle of the Old Testament [71]
Observations on Genesis [329]
Address to Staffordshire-men, residing in London [331]
Gleanings from Exodus [351]
Address to the Inhabitants of St. Bartholomew-Exchange [353]
De Creatione [411]
Itinera et Mansiones lsraelitarum in exitu ex 1. AEgypto [415]
Expositio 4 priorum Cap. Proph. Hoseae [423]
Promissiones Divinae, quae Judaicre Ecclesire datre, et ultimis diebus, &c. [444]
Chronological Table, intended as a companion to reading Lightfoot's Chroniele of the Old Testament [445]

VOLUME III [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Harmony, Chronicle, and Order, of the New Testament [1]
Dedication to Oliver Cromwell [3]
Epistle Dedicatory, to his Highness's Honourable Council [4]
Address to the Reader [6]
Harmony and Order of the Four Evangelists [17]
Harmony and Order of the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Revelation [179]
Parergon coucerning the Fall of Jerusalem, and the condition of the Jews in that land after [373]
Index to the Harmony of the New Testament [413]
Index to the Parergon concerning the Fall of Jerusalem [423]
De Coena Christi ultima [425]
An Johannes Evangelista sit auctor Apocalypseos [431]
De Spiritu Prophetire [433]
De Academia Jafnensi [445]

VOLUME IV [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Erubhin: or, Miscellanies, Christian and Judaical [1]
Dedication to Sir Rowland Cotton [3]
Address to the Reader [5]
Index to the Erubhin [55]
The Harmony of the Four Evangelists, among themselves and with the Old Testament: Part the
First; from the beginning of the Gospels to the Baptism of our Saviour [87-331]
Dedication to the Earl of Essex [89]
Epistle to the Reader [93]
Prolegomena; relative to the age of the World, at our Saviour's birth [97]
The Harmony of the Four Evangelists, among themselves, and with the Old Testament: Part the Second; from the Baptism of our Saviour to the first Passover after [333]
Dedication to the County, and Members, of Stafford [335]
Address to the Reader [339]

VOLUME V [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

The Harmony of the Four Evangelists: Part III [1]
Dedication to W. Cotton, Esq. [3]
Address to the Reader [7]
Index to the Sections of 'The Harmony of the Four Evangelists' [253]
Index of Texts elucidated in 'The Harmony of the Four Evangelists' [283]
Explanation of Divers diftieult Places of Holy Scripture [287]
Index to the 'Explanation,' &c . [385]
Exercitia Academica [387]
Preces et Oratio, Quibuscum, &c. [389]
Status Integritatis fuit status Immortalitatis [401]
Vita aeterna promissa fuit sub Veteri Testamento [405]
Concio ad Clerum de ' Maran Atha' [414]
Disputatio, an, post canonem Scripturae consignatum, novre revelationes sint expectandae [445]
In praefatam questionem carmen auctoris [468]

VOLUME VI [complete View in PDF format pdf ] Exposition of three select Articles of the Apostles' Creed:

l. He descended into Hell [3]
2. The Holy Catholic Church [37]
3. The Communion of Saints [63]
Acts, xvii. 31: The great assize [346]
1 Cor vi. 3: Judicabimus angelos [85]
1 Cor. x. 2: Baptism [412]
James, v. 9: The Judge standeth before the door [378]
John, viii. 9: Conviction of conscience [302]
John, x. 22, 23: Communion of Christ with the Jews [209]
John, xiv. 2: Many mansions [317]
John, xviii. 31: The judge judged [362]
1 John, v. 16: A sin unto death [331]
Jude, ver. 12: Feasts of charity [230]
Judges, xx. 27, 28: Ark of the covenant 274]
Luke, i. 17: Elias Redivivus [128]
Luke, ix. 30, 31: Funeral Sermon upon Sir R. Cotton [196]
Luke, xi. 2: Prayer [417]
Matt. xx.viii. 19: Baptize all nations [391]
2 Pet. iii. 13: Justifying righteousness [290]
Psal. iv. 4: Commune with our own hearts [96]
Rev. xx. 1, 2: The dragon bound [165]
Rev. xx. 4 : Christian magistracy [255]
Rom. v. l : Justification and Peace [243]

VOLUME VII [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Acts, vii. 53: Reasons for keeping God's law [177]
Acts, xiii. 9, 10: Elymas the sorcerer [102]
Acts, xxiii. 8: Creed of the Sadducees [282]
I Cor. xiv. 26: Every one hath a psalm [29]
Dan. x. 21: Michael your prince [45]
Dan. xii.12, 13: Wait the time of God [217]
Exod. xx. 5: A jealous God [350]
Exod. xx. 11: The sabbath hallowed [367]
Exod. xx. 12: The blessing of long life [391]
Exod. xxx.15: Dependance upon God [128]
Gen. iii. 20: Faith of Adam [335]
Gen. iv. 16: A mark upon Cain [347]
Heb. x. 29: The blood of the covenant [228]
Heb. xiii. 10: Christ our Altar [242]
John, xi. 51: Prophecy of Caiaphas [303]
I John, iii. 12: Cain described [339]
Judges, xi. 39: Prudence in making vows [151]
I Kings, xiii. 24: Disobedient prophet [167]
Luke, xv. 7: One sinner that repenteth [255]
Luke, xxiii. 42, 43: The penitent thief [269]
1 Pet. v. 13: The church at Babylon [1]
2 Pet. ii. 15: The way of Balaam [78]
Rev. xiii. 2 : The dragon gave power [41]
Rev. xx. 5.: The.first resurrection [187]
Rev. xx. 7, 8: Fraud and violence of Satan [60]
Rev. xxi. 2: The new Jerusalem [112]
Rom. viii. 23: First-fruits of the Spirit [15]
Rom. ix. 3: St. Paul's wish to be accursed [312]
2 Sam·. xix. 29: Difficulties of Scripture [201]
2 Tim. iii. 8: Jannes and Jambres [89]
Sermon Notes [413]
Table of the Texts of Dr. Lightfoot's Sermons, together with an account of the time when, the places where, and the occasions whereupon, the more public of them were preached [418]
Alphabetical Table of the Texts [423]

VOLUME VIII [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

A Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles [1]
Dedication to Robert, Earl of Essex [3]
Address to the County of Stafford [11]
Chronicle to the Commentary on the Acts [97]
Fragmenta quaedam Historire Romanae et Christianae de Rebus et Personis quatuor primorum
seculorom [303]
Index to "Fragmenta quaedam," &c. [346]
Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations· on the 'Acts of the Apostles' [347]
Ad Lectorem prrefatio [349]
General Index of Passages, occurring in the Acts of the Apostles, which are explained in the Commentary and in the Exercitations [504]

VOLUME IX [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

The Temple Service [1]
To the Reader [3]
Contents of the Temple-Service [204]
Prospect of the Temple [207]
Dedication to Lenthall [209]
To the Reader [210]
Contents to the Prospect of the Temple [483]

VOLUME X [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

The Chorographic Pieces [1, &c.]
A Chorograpbical Century: searching out some more memorable places of the land of Israel; those, especially, where of mention is made in the Gospel of St. Matthew [1]
Preface to the 'Chorographical Century' [3]
Contents of the 'Chorographical Century' [183]
A Chorographical Decad: searching into some places of the land of Israel; those, especially, whereof mention is made in St. Mark [187]
Contents of the 'Chorographical Decad' [271]
A few Chorographical Notes upon the places mentioned in St. Luke [275]
Contents of the 'Chorograpbical Notes' [305]
A Chorographical Inquiry into some places of the land of Israel, particularly those mentioned in St. John [307]
Contents of the 'Chorographical Inquiry' [364]
Fragmenta Terrre Sanctre historico-chorographica et topographica [367]
Contents of the 'Fragmenta Topographica' [393]
Animadversiones in Tabulas Chorographicas Terrae Sanctae [395]
Index to the Chapters and Sections of the Chorographic Pieces [412]
Leipsana de Rebus ad Ton LXX versionem Graecam spectantibus [419]
Versiones Prophetarum Minorum, &c. [453]
Vestibulum Talmudis Hierosolymitani [468]
Index aliqualis Talmudis Hierosolymitani [473]
Memorabilia quredam sub Ezra et synagoga, &c. [524]
Annotationes Talmudicre in Genesin, Exodum, Numeros, et Josuam [532}
Disquisitio de S. Jaco bi Liturgia [553]

VOLUME XI [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations upon St. Matthew [1]
Dedication to his dear friends of Catharine-Hall [5]
Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations upon St. Mark [367]
Address to Charles II [369]
Address to Archbishop Sheldon [375]

VOLUME XII [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations upon St. Luke. [1]
Dedication to the 'Exercitations upon St. Luke' [3]
Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations upon St. John [223]
Dedication to the 'Exercitations upon St. John' [225]
Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations upon some few chapters of the Epistle to the Romans [437]
Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations upon the First Epistle to the Corinthians [447]
Dedication to the 'Exercitations upon the First Epistle to the Corinthians' [449]
Of Corinth itself [452]
Addenda to 1 Cor. xiv. [566]
Index to the Addenda [595]
Index of Texts elucidated in the' Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations' [596]

VOLUME XIII [complete View in PDF format pdf ]

Journal of the Proceedings of the Assembly of Divines from January 1, 1643, to December 31, 1644 [1]
Letters to and from Dr. Lightfoot [345]
Bernard Dr. to Dr. Lightfoot [452, 458]
Bonnell, Mr. to the Rev. Mr. Strype [464]
Bridges, Mr. Thomas, to Dr. Lightfoot [447]
Brograve, Sir Thomas, to Dr. Lightfoot [438]
Buxtorf, Professor John, to Dr. Lightfoot [423]
Calvert, Rev. J. to Dr. Lightfoot [445]
Castell, D. E. to Dr. Lightfoot [366]
Clarke, Rev. S. to Dr. Lightfoot [401]
Cotton, Sir Rowland, to Dr. Lightfoot [347]
Duckfield, Rev. Dr. to the Rev. Mr. Strype [462, 468, 483]
Edge, Mr. to the Rev. Mr. Duckfield [460]
Gardner's, Dr. Epitaph on Dr. Lightfoot, with Dr. Pool's emendations [486]
Haak, Theodore, to Dr: Lightfoot [421]
Hoboken, Nicholas, to Dr. Lightfoot [422]
Lightfoot, Dr. to Professor John Buxtorf [425]
Lightfoot, Dr. to Dr. Bernard [454]
Lightfoot, Dr. to ---- [459]
Mieg, Frederick, to Dr. Lightfoot [430]
Ott, Professor J. H. to Dr. Lightfoot [448]
Outram, Dr. W. to Dr. Lightfoot [365]
Poole, Dr. Matthew, to Dr. Lightfoot [439]
Strype, Rev. Mr. to the Rev. Mr. Kidder [480]
Thorndike, Dr. H. to Dr. Lightfoot [443]
Walton, Bishop, to Dr. Lightfoot [348]
Worthington, Dr. John, to Dr. Lightfoot [348]