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Book Description
- Title:
- Jesus and the Future. An Examination of the Criticism of the Eschatological Discourse, Mark 13 with Special Reference to the Little Apocalypse Theory
- Author:
- G.R. Beasley-Murray [1916-2000]
- Publication Year:
- 1954
- Location:
- London
- Publisher:
- Macmillan & Co. Ltd.
- Pages:
- 287
- Subjects:
- Mark 13, Eschatology, Jesus Christ
- Copyright Holder:
- G.R. Beasley-Murray. Reproduced by permission of the Author's Literary Executor
Table of Contents
- The Presuppositions and the Formulation of the Little Apocalypse Theory
- Criticism from D. F. Strauss to F. C. Baur
- From H. A. W. Meyer to T. Colani
- The Fanaticism of Jesus
- The Development of the Little Apocalypse Theory
- From C. Weizsacker to W. Weiffenbach
- From G.C.B.Pünjer to H.H. Wendt
- From W. Baldensperger to E. Wendling
- From A. Loisy to J. Moffatt
- From B. H. Streeter to R.H. Charles
- From E. Meyer to F. Hauck
- From R. Bultmann to G. Holscher
- Recent Interpretations
- Other Theories concerning the origin of Mark 13
- From A. Meyer to J. Klausner
- From B. W. Bacon to R.H. Lightfoot
- From W. G. Kiimmel to E. Lohmeyer
- Attempts to vindicate the Eschatological Discourse
- The Prophecy of Jerusalem a Prefiguration of the End
- Two Prophecies combined in One Discourse
- A Continuous Description of the Christian Era
- An Application of 'Prophetic Perspective'
- A Composition of Isolated Fragments
- Recent Approaches towards a Synthesis
Additional Note: The Parousia fulfilled at the fall of Jerusalem
- The Theology of Mark 13 and its Relations to Other Writings
- The Suddenness of the End and its Signs
- The Nearness of the End
- The Provision for a Period between the Resurrection and the Parousia
- The Doom of Jerusalem and the End of the Age
- Privacy of Teaching and Mark 13.3: Was the Discourse delivered as a Unity?
- The Discourse as Paraclesis
- The Discourse and the Death of Jesus
- Jesus and Judaism
- The Relations of Mark 13 to other Documents:
- 1. Luke 21
- Matthew 24
- Q
- The Pauline Epistles
- The Fourth Gospel
- The Book of Revelation
- The Apocalypse of Peter
- The Oracle of Eusebius
- The Date of the Eschatological Discourse
- The Language and Form of Mark 13
- Appendix: Detached Nptes on some Sisputed Sayings in Mark 13
- The Authenticity and Scope of the Temple Prophecy, Mark 13.2
- Preaching before Judges and Gentiles: a Reconstruction of Mark 13.9-10
- The Abomination of Desolation: a Reconstruction of Mark 13.14
- The Parousia and Sign of the Son of Man, Mark 13.26
- This Generation and the End, Mark 13.30
- The Unpredictability of the Parousia, Mark 13.32
- Bibliography
- Indices