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Book Description

Jesus and the Future. An Examination of the Criticism of the Eschatological Discourse, Mark 13 with Special Reference to the Little Apocalypse Theory
Publication Year:
Macmillan & Co. Ltd.
Mark 13, Eschatology, Jesus Christ
Copyright Holder:
G.R. Beasley-Murray. Reproduced by permission of the Author's Literary Executor

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  1. The Presuppositions and the Formulation of the Little Apocalypse Theory
    1. Criticism from D. F. Strauss to F. C. Baur
    2. From H. A. W. Meyer to T. Colani
    3. The Fanaticism of Jesus
  2. The Development of the Little Apocalypse Theory
    1. From C. Weizsacker to W. Weiffenbach
    2. From G.C.B.Pünjer to H.H. Wendt
    3. From W. Baldensperger to E. Wendling
    4. From A. Loisy to J. Moffatt
    5. From B. H. Streeter to R.H. Charles
    6. From E. Meyer to F. Hauck
    7. From R. Bultmann to G. Holscher
    8. Recent Interpretations
  3. Other Theories concerning the origin of Mark 13
    1. From A. Meyer to J. Klausner
    2. From B. W. Bacon to R.H. Lightfoot
    3. From W. G. Kiimmel to E. Lohmeyer
  4. Attempts to vindicate the Eschatological Discourse
    1. The Prophecy of Jerusalem a Prefiguration of the End
    2. Two Prophecies combined in One Discourse
    3. A Continuous Description of the Christian Era
    4. An Application of 'Prophetic Perspective'
    5. A Composition of Isolated Fragments
    6. Recent Approaches towards a Synthesis
      Additional Note: The Parousia fulfilled at the fall of Jerusalem
  5. The Theology of Mark 13 and its Relations to Other Writings
    1. The Suddenness of the End and its Signs
    2. The Nearness of the End
    3. The Provision for a Period between the Resurrection and the Parousia
    4. The Doom of Jerusalem and the End of the Age
    5. Privacy of Teaching and Mark 13.3: Was the Discourse delivered as a Unity?
    6. The Discourse as Paraclesis
    7. The Discourse and the Death of Jesus
    8. Jesus and Judaism
    9. The Relations of Mark 13 to other Documents:
      1. 1. Luke 21
      2. Matthew 24
      3. Q
      4. The Pauline Epistles
      5. The Fourth Gospel
      6. The Book of Revelation
      7. The Apocalypse of Peter
      8. The Oracle of Eusebius
    10. The Date of the Eschatological Discourse
    11. The Language and Form of Mark 13
  • Appendix: Detached Nptes on some Sisputed Sayings in Mark 13
    1. The Authenticity and Scope of the Temple Prophecy, Mark 13.2
    2. Preaching before Judges and Gentiles: a Reconstruction of Mark 13.9-10
    3. The Abomination of Desolation: a Reconstruction of Mark 13.14
    4. The Parousia and Sign of the Son of Man, Mark 13.26
    5. This Generation and the End, Mark 13.30
    6. The Unpredictability of the Parousia, Mark 13.32
  • Bibliography
  • Indices