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Book Description

Isaiah 1-39. New Century Bible
Publication Year:
Grand Rapids / London
Eerdmans / Marshall, Morgan & Scott
Isaiah, Commentary, Old Testament
Copyright Holder:
Ronald E. Clements. Reproduced by permission.

Ronald E. Clements, Isaiah 1-39. New Century Bible

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Abbreviations
  • Select Bibliography
  • Introduction
    1. The Structure and Composition of Isaiah 1-39
      1. The Present Divisions of the Book
      2. Traces of Earlier Collections
      3. The Redaction in Josiah's Reign
      4. Subsequent Redactional History
    2. Isaiah the Prophet
      1. The Historical Background
      2. Isaiah the Man
      3. The Theology and Preaching of the Prophet
      4. The Historical Crisis of 701 BC
    3. The Text and Interpretation of Isaiah 1-39
      1. The Text and Versions
      2. The Relationship to Chapters 40-66
      3. From Prophecy to Apocalyptic
    4. Analysis of Isaiah 1-39
  • Commentary on Isaiah 1-39
  • Index of Authors
  • General Index