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Book Description
- Title:
- Is Christ Infallible and the Bible True?, 3rd edn.
- Author:
- Hugh McIntosh
- Publication Year:
- 1902
- Location:
- Cambridge
- Publisher:
- T & T Clark
- Pages:
- 723
- Subjects:
- Special Revelation, Bible, Inspiration, Infallibility
- Copyright Holder:
- Public domain
Table of Contents
- Preface to the Third Edition
- Preface to the Second Edition
- Introduction
- Book I. Christ's Place in Theology, and Christ and tge Controversies
- The Prominence of Christ in Recent Theology
- Christ's Place as a Religious Teacher—Unique
- Review of Recent Speculation on the Teaching of Jesus from the Standpoint of Christ's Supremacy
- The Sermon on the Mount. Its Place in Revelation and in the Teaching of Jesus
- Principal A.M. Fairbairn's Views and Cognate Views—"The Place of Christ in Modern Theology"
- Dr. Fairbairn's improved Restatement of the Mind of Christ
- The Ritschlian's and Similar Views
- Christ's Teaching on holy Scripture
- Book II. Is Christ Infallible as a Teacher?
- The Seriousness of the Question, and When it is Raised
- The Errorists' Alleged Grounds of Christ's Fallibility, and Their Manifest Untenableness
- The Disproof of the Theory from Scripture, and the Proof of His Infallibility
- The Assumed Grounds in Reason for Christ's Errancy, and Erroneousness, and the Momenteousness of the Issues
- The Logical Conclusions and Momentous Issues of all Theories Denying or Questioning Christ's Infallibility
- Book III. The State of the Question (Status Quaestionis) the Bible Claim and Preliminary Proof
- General Misconsceptions and Misinterpretations. Opposite Extremes
- Misconsceptions and Confusions
- Confusing Truthfulness with Scientific Accuracy and Absolute Perfection
- Misrepresentation and Caricatures
- Indefinite Erroneousness Alleged in Great and Essential Things
- How Easy and Necessary the Descent from all Theories of Indefinite Erroneousness to Raltionalism and Scepticism
- The Status Quaestionis
- Book IV. The Bible Claim and General Proof. The Truthfulness, Trustworthiness, and Divine Authirity of Holy Scripture
- Preliminary Considerations
- The Locus Classicus on the Question
- The General and Specific Scriptural Proof
- Remarks on and Teaching of the Evidence
- What this Evidence Settles
- Book V. The Opposing Views Stated and Contrasted Apologetically. The Apologetic Positions and the Sceptic's Apology and reply
- The Bible Claims to be True, Trustworthy, and of Divine Authority. Christ Endorses that Claim
- The Contrasted Apologetic Positions
- The Testimony of the Spirit, and theSceptic's Apology—Second and Third Stages
- (II). The Defence of Christianity from the Inerrantists' Position
- The Contrasted Positions compared Apologetically. Indefinite Erroneousness nad Thorough Truthfulness
- The Defence of the Christian Faith from the Standpoint of Christ, and the Bible Claim
- Book VI. The Essential Rationalism of all Theories of the Indefinite Erroneousness of Scripture
- The Avowedly and Practically Rationalistic Theories
- The Partially and Implicitly Rationalistic Theories
- Varieties and Modifications of the Errorists' Theories
- Book VII. Difficulties and Conclusions, Additional Confirmations, Resúme, Cumulate Argument