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Book Description

Is Christ Infallible and the Bible True?, 3rd edn.
Publication Year:
T & T Clark
Special Revelation, Bible, Inspiration, Infallibility
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Hugh McIntosh, Is Christ Infallible and the Bible True?, 3rd edn.

Table of Contents

  • Preface to the Third Edition
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • Introduction
  • Book I. Christ's Place in Theology, and Christ and tge Controversies
    1. The Prominence of Christ in Recent Theology
    2. Christ's Place as a Religious Teacher—Unique
    3. Review of Recent Speculation on the Teaching of Jesus from the Standpoint of Christ's Supremacy
    4. The Sermon on the Mount. Its Place in Revelation and in the Teaching of Jesus
    5. Principal A.M. Fairbairn's Views and Cognate Views—"The Place of Christ in Modern Theology"
    6. Dr. Fairbairn's improved Restatement of the Mind of Christ
    7. The Ritschlian's and Similar Views
    8. Christ's Teaching on holy Scripture
  • Book II. Is Christ Infallible as a Teacher?
    1. The Seriousness of the Question, and When it is Raised
    2. The Errorists' Alleged Grounds of Christ's Fallibility, and Their Manifest Untenableness
    3. The Disproof of the Theory from Scripture, and the Proof of His Infallibility
    4. The Assumed Grounds in Reason for Christ's Errancy, and Erroneousness, and the Momenteousness of the Issues
    5. The Logical Conclusions and Momentous Issues of all Theories Denying or Questioning Christ's Infallibility
  • Book III. The State of the Question (Status Quaestionis) the Bible Claim and Preliminary Proof
    1. General Misconsceptions and Misinterpretations. Opposite Extremes
    2. Misconsceptions and Confusions
    3. Confusing Truthfulness with Scientific Accuracy and Absolute Perfection
    4. Misrepresentation and Caricatures
    5. Indefinite Erroneousness Alleged in Great and Essential Things
    6. How Easy and Necessary the Descent from all Theories of Indefinite Erroneousness to Raltionalism and Scepticism
    7. The Status Quaestionis
  • Book IV. The Bible Claim and General Proof. The Truthfulness, Trustworthiness, and Divine Authirity of Holy Scripture
    1. Preliminary Considerations
    2. The Locus Classicus on the Question
    3. The General and Specific Scriptural Proof
    4. Remarks on and Teaching of the Evidence
    5. What this Evidence Settles
  • Book V. The Opposing Views Stated and Contrasted Apologetically. The Apologetic Positions and the Sceptic's Apology and reply
    1. The Bible Claims to be True, Trustworthy, and of Divine Authority. Christ Endorses that Claim
    2. The Contrasted Apologetic Positions
    3. The Testimony of the Spirit, and theSceptic's Apology—Second and Third Stages
    4. (II). The Defence of Christianity from the Inerrantists' Position
    5. The Contrasted Positions compared Apologetically. Indefinite Erroneousness nad Thorough Truthfulness
    6. The Defence of the Christian Faith from the Standpoint of Christ, and the Bible Claim
  • Book VI. The Essential Rationalism of all Theories of the Indefinite Erroneousness of Scripture
    1. The Avowedly and Practically Rationalistic Theories
    2. The Partially and Implicitly Rationalistic Theories
    3. Varieties and Modifications of the Errorists' Theories
  • Book VII. Difficulties and Conclusions, Additional Confirmations, Resúme, Cumulate Argument