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Book Description

A Guide to the Epistles of Saint Paul
Publication Year:
Cambridge University Press
New Testament, Apostle Paul, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesian, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Pastoral Epistles, Philemon
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Herbert Newell Bate [1871-1941], A Guide to the Epistles of Saint Paul

Table of Contents

  • Prefatory Note
  1. St. Paul, and His Letters
  2. St. Paul, Hebrew and Hellene
  3. St. Paul the Rabbi
  4. The Letter to the Galatians
  5. The Letters to Thessalonica
  6. The Corinthian Documents
  7. The First Two Letters to Corinth
  8. The Third and Fourth Letters to Corinth
  9. The Epistle to the Romans
  10. The Letters if the Capitivity—Colossians and Philemon
  11. The Letters of the CaptivityEphesians and Philippians
  12. The Pastoral Epistles
  • Chronology of St. Paul's Letters
  • Index