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Book Description

Studies in the Greek and Latin Versions of the Book of Amos
Publication Year:
Cambridge University Press
Amos, Greek Versions, Latin Versions, Textual Criticism, Old Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

William Oscar Emil Oesterley [1866–1950], Studies in the Greek and Latin Versions of the Book of Amos

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. The Septuagint
    1. Discussion of MSS
    2. Text of Q and 22 in parallel with apparatus criticus
    3. Discussion on the Hesychian and Lucianic recensions
  2. The Later Greek Versions
    1. Aquila
    2. Theodotion
    3. Symmachus
  3. The Complutensian and Aldine Texts
  4. The Latin Versions
    1. The Old Latin
    2. The Vulgate
  • Summary