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Book Description

The Gospels as Historical Documents, 3 Vols.
Publication Year:
Cambridge University Press
Matthew, Mark, Luke John, Gospels, Historicity, New Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Vincent Henry Stanton [1846-1924], The Gospels as Historical Documents. 3 Vols.

Part I. The Early Use of the Gospels

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Introductory Remarks; The Evidence as to the Use of Any of the Gospels in the Sub-Apostolic Age
  2. The Transition from the Sub-Apostolic Age to the Age of the Apologists and of the Conflict with Gnosticism
  3. Justin Martyr
  4. The Interval Between the Appearance of the Writings of Justin Martyr and of the Treatise Against Heresies by Irenaeus
  5. The Asiatic Tradition in Regard to the Apostle John
  6. The Position of the Four Gospels at the Close of the Second Century; The Use of Other Gospels; General Conclusions

Part II. The Synoptic Gospels

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Introductory Remarks: The Present Position of the Synoptic Problem
  2. The Compilation of the Utterances of Jesus, and Their Transmission to the Greek-Speaking Church
  3. Early Accounts of the Main Facts and Features of Christ's Ministry and Passion.—The History of the Gospel According to St. Mark
  4. The Gospel According to St. Luke
  5. The Gospel According to St Matthew

Part III. The Fourth Gospel

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. The Present Position of the Question of the Origin of the Fourth Gospel
  2. The Structure of the Gospel and the Question of its Integrity
  3. The Place of the Fourth Gospel in the Johannine Literature
  4. The Attribution of the Authorship of the Gospel to John the Son of Zebedee
  5. The Environment in Which the Fourth Gospel was Produced and the Author's Own Antecedents
  6. The Fourth Gospel and the Synoptics