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Book Description

The Elements of Syriac Grammar with Reading Lessons
Publication Year:
Samuel Bagster & Sons Ltd.
Languages, Syriac, Grammar
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Table of Contents

  • Elements of Syriac Grammar
    1. The Alphabet
    2. Vowels
    3. Dipthongs
    4. Consonants
    5. Lines
    6. Ribui
    7. The Tone
    8. Reading
    9. Gender of Nouns
    10. Number of Nouns
    11. States of Nouns
    12. The Pronouns
    13. Nouns woth Suffixes
    14. Verbs
    15. Regular Verb
    16. Verbs, e.g. he ate
    17. Verbs, e.g. he begat
    18. Verbs, e.g. he went out
    19. Verbs, e.g. he acquired
    20. Verbs, e.g. to arise
    21. Verbs, e.g. he died
    22. Verbs, e.g. he plundered
    23. Verbs, e.g. he revealed
    24. Verbs with Suffixes
    25. Numerals
    26. Adverbs
    27. Prepositions
    28. Conjunctions
    29. Interjections
    30. Interpunction
  • Regular Verbs
  • Syriac Reading Lessons