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Book Description
- Title:
- Christian Origins, 2nd edn.
- Author:
- Christopher Rowland
- Publication Year:
- 1985, 1992
- Location:
- London
- Publisher:
- 0281053669
- Pages:
- 451
- Subjects:
- New Testament Background, New Testament
- Copyright Holder:
- Christopher Rowland. Reproduced by Permission
Table of Contents
- Acknowledgements for the First Edition
- Preface to the First Edition
- Preface to the Second Edition
- Abbreviations
- Part I. Introduction
- The Rock Whence Ye Were Hewn
- An Approach to Ancient Judaism
- The Jews After the Exile
- Part II. Jewish Life and Thought at the Beginning of the Common Era from the Perspective of the Study of Christian Origins
- God's Covenant with the Jews
- The God of the Covenant
- The Heavenly Host
- Angelic Mediators
- The Temple
- Festivals
- The Synagogue
- The Torah
- The Interpretation of Scripture
- Apocalyptic Approaches to Scripture: The Disclosure of Heavenly Knowledge
- Schools of Thought: An Introduction to Sectarianism in the Second Temple Period
- Schools of Thought: An Outline of Jewish Groups in the First Century CE
(a) Sadducees
(b) Pharisee
(c) The Fourth Philosophy
(d) Essenes
(e) Christianity in the Context of Second Temple Judaism
- Diaspora Judaism
- The Expression of Hope
(a) An Outline of Jewish Eschatology
(b) Messianic Belief
- Pragmatism and Hope in Second Temple Judaism
(a) Activists and Quietists;
(b) A Crisis for Eschatology?
- Part III. The Emergence of a Messianic Sect
- Section 1: Introduction
- Early Christianity: What Kind of Religious Movement?
- The Centrality of Eschatology in Primitive Christian Belief
- The World of Jesus and the First Christians
- Section 2: Jesus
- The Quest for the Historical Jesus
Differing Approaches to the Jesus of History
- Using the Gospels to Establish the Character of Jesus' Life and Message
- John the Baptist
- The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
- The Parables
Recurring Themes in the Parables
- Other Teaching
- The Signs of the Coming Kingdom
- Jesus and the Future
- Jesus and Second Temple Judaism
(a) The Basis of Jesus' Authority
(b) Jesus and the Torah
(c) Jesus and Other Jewish Groups;
(d) Jesus and the Temple
- The Death of Jesus
- Jesus' Personal Claim
(a) The Prophet
(b) 'Son of God'
(c) Messiah
(d) The Human Figure or the 'Son of Man'
- The Resurrection Narratives
- Section 3: Paul
- Introduction
- Christianity Before and Apart from Paul
- Situation and System in Paul's Letters
- Major Themes of Paul's Letters
- Apostle to the Gentiles
- Paul's Method as an Apostle
- Paul and the Torah
- Membership of the People of God
- Paul and Israel
- The Problem of Authority
- Section 4: From Messianism to Christian Religion
- Early Christian Initiation and Worship
(a) Baptism
(b) The Eucharist
(c) Use of Scripture
- The Emergence of Beliefs About Jesus
(a) The Foundations of Christology
(b) The Gradual Dissolution of the Eschatological Framework of Primitive Christology
- Differing Models of Ministry
(a) Paul's Letters
(b) The Johannine Literature
(c) The Church in Jerusalem
(d) Post-Pauline Developments
(e) Tradition and Charismatic Authority
- Coming to Terms with the Old Age
(a) The Common Life
(b) The Problem of Ethics in the New Age
The Delay of the Parousia: was it a Problem?
(d) The Separation of Church and Synagogue
(e) You are his Disciples but we are Disciples of Moses
(f) The Rise of Gnosticism
(g) Witness against the Beast and Babylon
- Appendix: The Sources
- Jewish Literature
(a) The Dead Sea Scrolls
(b) Josephus and Philo Contents
(c) The Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha/Non-Rabbinic Writings
(d) Rabbinic Literature
- Early Christian Literature
- Notes
- Bibliography
- Additional Bibliography
- Index of Ancient Sources
- Index of Subjects