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Book Description

On the Book of Jonah. A Monograph
Publication Year:
Alexander and Shepheard
Old Testament, Minor Prophets, Jonah
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

John Kennedy [1813-1900], On the Book of Jonah. A Monograph

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Introductory
  2. The Hiatorical Connections of the Ministry of Jonah
    1. His Relation to Elijah and Elisha
    2. Elijah and Jonah compared
    3. The Time of Jonah's Mission as it respects his own nation
    4. Thetime of Jonah's Missions as it respects Nineveh
  3. The Self-Consistence of the Book and the Man
  4. The Result of Jonah's Mission in its Bearing on the Historicity of the Narrative
  5. The Testimonyof Christ in Regard to Facts in the Book of Jonah
  6. Some Objections Considered
  7. If Not Historical, Whart Then?
  8. The Authorship of the Book and the Date of its Composition