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Book Description

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, 2 Vols.
Publication Year:
T & T Clark
Acts of the Apostles, Commentary, New Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    1. The Authorship of the Acts
    2. The Sources of Luke's Information
    3. The Readers for whom the History was intended
    4. The Design of the Acts
    5. Time and Place of the Composition of the Acts
    6. The Language and Text of the Acts
    7. Arrangement of the Acts
    8. Chronology of the Acts,
  • Part I. Progress of Christianity in Judaea, and its Extension to the Gentiles
    1. The Ascension—Ch. i. 1-12
    2. The Election of Matthias—Ch. i. 13-26
    3. The Miracle of Pentecost—Ch. ii. 1-13, On the Gift of Tongues
    4. The Discourse of Peter at Pentecost—Ch. ii. 14-36, On the Nature of Hades
    5. Effects of Peter's Discourse—Ch. ii. 37-47
    6. The First Miracle—Ch. iii. 1-26
    7. Peter and John before the Sanhedrin—Ch. iv. 1-22, On the Sanhedrin
    8. Prayer of the Church, and Community of Goods—Ch. iv. 23-37
    9. Internal Danger and External Progress of the Church—Ch. v. 1-16
    10. Second Arrest of the .Apostles—Ch. v. 17-42
    11. The Election of the Seven—Ch. vi. 1-7
    12. Stephen before the Sanhedrin—Ch. vi. 8-15, On the Synagogues
    13. The Defence of Stephen—Ch. vii. 1-53, General Remarks on Stephen's Speech
    14. Martyrdom of Stephen—Ch. vii. 54-60
    15. Planting of the Church in Samaria—Ch. viii. 1-13, On Samaria
    16. Mission of Peter and John to Samaria—Ch. viii. 14-25
    17. Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch—Ch. viii. 26-40
    18. Conversion of Paul—Ch. ix. 1-19
    19. Paul's Ministry at Damascus—Ch. ix. 19-30
    20. The Miracles of Peter—Ch. ix. 31-43
    21. Visions of Cornelius and Peter—Ch. x. 1-23
    22. Conversion of Cornelius—Ch. x. 23-48
    23. Peter's Apology—Ch. xi. 1-18
    24. The First Gentile Church—Ch. xi. 19-30
    25. Persecution by Herod—Ch. xii. 1-19, On James the Lord's Brother
    26. Death of Herod—Ch. xii. 19-25.
  • Part II. The Missionary Labours of the Apostle Paul
    1. Paul in Cyprus—Ch. xiii. 1-12
    2. Paul's Discourse at Pisidian Antioch—Ch. xiii. 13-41, 17
    3. Effects of Paul's Speech at Pisidian Antioch—Ch. xiii. 42-52
    4. Paul at lconium and Lystra—Ch. xiv. 1-20
    5. Paul's Return to Antioch—Ch. xiv. 21-28
    6. The Council of Jerusalem—Ch. xv. 1-21, On the Identity of this Visit to Jerusalem with the Visit mentioned in Gal. ii. 1-10
    7. The Synodical Letter—Ch. xv. 22-35
    8. Paul's Journey through Asia Minor—Ch. xv. 36-xvi. 8
    9. Paul at Philippi—Ch. xvi. 9-40
    10. Paul at Thessalonica and Berea—Ch. xvii. 1-15
    11. Paul at Athens—Ch. xvii. 16-34
    12. Paul at Corinth: Close of Paul's Second Missionary Journey-Oh. xviii. 1-22
    13. On Apollos—Ch. xviii. 23-28
    14. Paul at Ephesus—Ch. xix. 1-20
    15. The Tumult at Ephesus—Ch. xix. 21-41
    16. Paul's Journey through Macedonia and Proconsular Asia—Ch. xx. 1-16
    17. Paul's Address to the Ephesian Elders—Ch. xx. 17-38
    18. Paul's Journey to Jerusalem—Ch. xxi. 1-16
    19. Occasion of Paul's Imprisonment—Ch. xxi. 17-40
    20. Paul's Defence before the Jews—Ch. xxii. 1-29
    21. Paul before the Sanhedrim—Ch. xxii. 30-xxiii. 11
    22. Paul sent Prisoner to Caesarea—Ch. xxiii. 12-35
    23. Paul before Felix—Ch. xxiv. 1-27
    24. Paul's Appeal to Cresar—Ch. xxv. 1-12
    25. Paul brought before Agrippa—Ch. xxv. 13-27
    26. Paul's Defence before Agrippa—Ch. xxvi. 1-32
    27. Paul's Voyage to Rome: Arrival at Crete—Ch. xxvii. 1-12
    28. Paul's Shipwreck—Ch. xxvii. 13-44
    29. Paul at Malta-Ch. xxviii. 1-10
    30. Paul's Journey from Malta to Rome—Ch. xxviii 11-16
    31. Paul at Rome—Ch. xxviii. 17-31, On Paul's Second Roman Imprisonment