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Book Description

II Esdras (The Ezra Apocalypse) with Introduction and Notes
Publication Year:
Methuen & Co. Ltd.
2 Esdras, Commentary, Apocrypha
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

William Oscar Emil Oesterley [1866-1950], II Esdras (The Ezra Apocalypse) with Introduction and Notes

Table of Contents

  • Preparatory Note by the General Editors
  • Introduction
    1. Title of the Book
    2. The Component Parts of the Book
      1. The Apocalypse of Ezra
      2. The Eagle Vision
      3. The Vision of the Man from the Sea
      4. Ezra and the Holy Scriptures
    3. The Teaching of the Book
      1. The Seer's Doctrine of and Belief in God
      2. The Law
      3. The Doctrine of Sin
      4. The Doctrine of Human Free-Will
      5. Universalism
    4. The Importance of the Book for New Testament Study
      1. The Fall
      2. The Election of Israel
      3. Eschatology
      4. Other Parallels
    5. The Dates of the Component Parts of the Book
    6. The Versions
    7. Bibliography
  • Text and Commentary
    • Additional Note on the Eagle Vision
    • Additional Note on the Vision of the Man from the Sea
  • Index